What Works?

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Everyday we get a new understanding of what interventions work that impact patient health. With most healthcare research, sites and journals primarily dedicated to which ABCD Interventions work, this page will now duplicate it. This page will begin to catalog the E Interventions and PC Interventions that work. While these are typically not peer reviewed articles, links are provided for people or organizations interested in further evaluating their efficacy and context to managing health.

E Interventions - Care Management

Patient Dialog - 9 in 10 Brazilian doctors use WhatsApp to talk to patients

Nutrition Support - Steward Health Care delivers three low-sodium meals and two snacks to selected heart failure patient's home each day hoping healthy food will reduce trips to the hospital.

Patient Education - Choosing Wisely provides decision making education for physicians and patients on over 135 tests and treatments that they say are overused or inappropriate.

Palliative Care - A study by University of Rochester Medical Centers in 2007 found the palliative care intervention saved about 1,400 ICU patient days, at an average of about $450 a day.

Recommend Apps - A study from Digitas Health found that 90 percent of chronic patients in the US would accept a mobile app prescription as opposed to only 66 percent willing to accept a prescription of medication.

Recommended Referral - Online Patient Communities can provide many potential benefits, such as improving coping skills, reducing anxiety, depression, isolation, ignorance about the condition and finding others that are experience common conditions.

Transitional Care - A study found that personal contact with patients before and after their hospital discharge resulted in Brooklyn significantly lower readmission rates over 60 days from 26.3% to 17.6%.

Transitional Care - A collaborative initiative involving 83 hospitals and 93 community partners in Minnesota saw 4,570 fewer avoidable hospital readmissions over 24 months, saving more than $40 million by using comprehensive discharge planning, medication management, patient engagement, transition care support, and transition communications.

Transitional Care - A study demonstrated high risk patients being discharged from the hospital that receive social work interventions reduce readmission rates to 7% as compared to the 15 percent readmission rate for the control group--patients discharged