Health Outcomes
These are the Health Outcomes performance measures to help determine the impact on the patient's health status:
1. Initial Health Status - This is the measure of the risk-adjusted health status of the person prior to a determined timeframe, a new mission (Care Goals), a new strategy (Care Plan) or a new solution (intervention). The will be the baseline used to measure the health outcome.
2. Health Mission (Care Goals)
3. Health Strategy
Strategy Objectives ([Care Plans|Care Plan])
- Objectives List - examples include lower Hemoglobin A1c, lower blood pressure, loss weight, increase physical activity, etc.
Strategy Solutions (Interventions) - The solutions are how the Health Mission and Health Strategy - Objectives will be achiveved. Examples include medication, weight loss program, patient's commitment to 10,000 steps per day.
- Interventions List - including Medical Interventions and Non-Medical Interventions
- Measures List - for Mission (Health Goals), Strategy Objectives (Care Plan), Strategy Solutions (Interventions) Measures, Impacting Elements Measures (people, realities and activities not included above), Care Plan Adherence Measures. Examples include pain levels, function levels, blood sugar.
4. Impacting Realities Determinants
- Impacting Realities List - Health Conditions, Competencies, Social, Socioeconomic, Environmental, Digital Content & Technology
5. Impacting People Determinants
- Impacting People List - Physicians, Care Team, Caregivers, Family Members & Friends, Support Team, Organizations
6. Impacting Activities Determinants
- Impacting Activities List - Healthy Lifestyle, Physicial Activities, Social & Passion Activities, Nutrition, Functional Activities, Sleep, Adverse Behaviors, Self-Management Behavior, Care Planning, Care Management Communications, Care Management Operational, Health Strategy Activities
7. Subsequent Health Status
8. Health Outcome Measures
- Health Status Performance
- Health Objective Performance
- Health Solution Performance
Organizations Focused on developing Health Outcomes Measures