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(Socioeconomic Insight)
(Environmental Insight)
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* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/33/3/443.abstract The Critical Link Between Health Care And Jails (3/2014)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/33/3/443.abstract The Critical Link Between Health Care And Jails (3/2014)]
===Environmental Insight===
====Access & Logistics Insight====
====Communication Insight====
====Community Insight====
====Home Insight====
====Security Insight====
====Security Insight====
===Environmental ''Insight''===
[http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Environmental_Determinants Environmental Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and [http://www.patientwell-being.org/general/what-is-personal-well-being/ well-being].
====Access & Logistics ''Insight''====
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Access_.26_Logistics_Determinants Access & Logistics Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals/patients-lacking-pharmacy-access-likely-to-readmitted-to-hospital Patients in rural or remote communities with lack of access to a pharmacy may be more likely to end up back in the hospital (8/4/16)]
* [https://www.minnpost.com/health/2014/06/late-life-live-home-rural-seniors-need-food-socialization-support Late-in-life: To live at home, rural seniors need food, socialization, support (6/23/14)]
* [http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR578.html Roughly 1.3 million individuals (some 300,000 service members and an additional 1 million dependents) were at risk of living in an area remote from behavioral health care. (2015)]
* [http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/sites/default/files/Parity%20or%20Disparity%20Report%20FINAL.pdf There is only 1 mental health provider for every 790 individuals. One out of three adults with disability could not see a doctor because of costs. (2015)]
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4265215/ Transportation barriers to health care access are common, and greater for vulnerable populations. (12/2013)]
====Communication ''Insight''====
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Communication_Determinants Communication Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
====Community ''Insight''====
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Community_Determinants Community Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [http://cdnfiles.americashealthrankings.org/SiteFiles/Reports/2015_Am_Health_Ranking.pdf America’s Health Rankings of Behaviors, Community & Environment, Policy, and Clinical Care determinants of health that directly influence health outcomes (2015 Edition)]
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Publications/In-the-Literature/2014/Apr/Community-Factors-and-Hospital-Readmission-Rates.aspx Community factors most strongly associated with lower hospital readmission rates include more general practitioners and fewer specialists per capita and the presence of high-quality nursing home care. (4/17/14)]
* [http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/research/2014/01/recommendations-from-the-rwjf-commission-to-build-a-healthier-am.html Time to Act: Investing in the Health of Our Children and Communities (1/13/14)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/29/3/503.long Children had a 20-60% higher likelihood of being obese or overweight if living in neighborhoods with unfavorable social conditions such as unsafe surroundings; poor housing; and no access to sidewalks, parks, and recreation centers. (3/2010)]
Clean Air <br>
* [http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-air-pollution-alzheimers-20170131-story.html The surprising link between air pollution and Alzheimer’s disease (1/31/17)]
* [http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/28/world/air-pollution-smog-who.html?_r=0&referer=http://khn.org/morning-breakout/first-edition-september-28-2016/ More Than 9 in 10 People Breathe Bad Air, W.H.O. Study Says (9/28/16)]
Clean Water <br>
* [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/08/14/63-million-americans-exposed-unsafe-drinking-water/564278001/ 63 million Americans exposed to unsafe drinking water (8/14/17)]
* [http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-lead-testing/ Water testing for lead levels found almost 3,000 areas with poisoning rates far higher than in Flint Michigan. Yet many of these lead hotspots are receiving little attention or funding. (12/19/16)]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/finance/as-water-infrastructure-ages-cost-treating-infections-rise Researchers believe as much as $2 billion of healthcare costs each year is tied to the treatment of infections that lurk in water distribution systems. (9/19/16)]
Community Related - Life Expectancy <br>
* [https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/abs/10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1571 Widening Disparities In Infant Mortality And Life Expectancy Between Appalachia And The Rest Of The United States, 1990–2013 (8/2017)]
* [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/05/08/u-s-life-expectancy-varies-by-more-than-20-years-from-county-to-county/ U.S. life expectancy varies by more than 20 years from county to county (5/8/17)]
* [http://www.rwjf.org/en/culture-of-health/2016/11/tackling_life_expect.html A person born in Princeton, NJ can expect to live 87 years, his or her neighbor a dozen miles away in Trenton has a life expectancy of 73 years (11/9/16)]
* [http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/11/473749157/its-not-just-what-you-make-its-where-you-live-says-study-on-life-expectancy Life Expectancy Study: It's Not Just What You Make, It's Where You Live (4/11/16)]
Countries <br>
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/when-it-comes-to-healthcare-u-s-once-again-ranks-last-quality-care-compared-to-other When it comes to healthcare, U.S. once again ranks last in quality care compared to other wealthy nations (7/14/17)]
* [http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/global-study-700k-smartphone-users-shows-link-between-obesity-and-activity-inequality Global study of 700K smartphone users shows link between obesity and activity inequality within country (7/11/17)]
Environmental Exposures <br>
* [https://www.revealnews.org/blog/14-million-kids-could-be-exposed-to-toxic-pcbs-at-school/ 14 million US kids could be exposed to toxic PCBs at school (10/12/16)]
Food Deserts <br>
* [https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/abs/10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0122 Geographic Accessibility Of Food Outlets Not Associated With Body Mass Index Change Among Veterans, 2009–14 (8/2017)]
* [http://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2010-march/access-to-affordable,-nutritious-food-is-limited-in-%E2%80%9Cfood-deserts%E2%80%9D.aspx Some neighborhoods in US, mostly in low-income areas, have been dubbed “food deserts” because they don't have supermarkets or other food retailers that carry affordable and nutritious food. (3/1/2010)]
Food Safety <br>
* [http://khn.org/news/lead-detected-in-20-of-baby-food-samples-surprising-even-researchers/ Lead Detected In 20% Of Baby Food Samples, Surprising Even Researchers (6/15/17)]
Low Income Neighborhoods <br>
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/36/6/999.abstract One’s neighborhood may drive or influence health disparities, which can be understood as disadvantages in health associated with one’s social, racial, economic, or physical environment, originate in childhood and persist across an individual’s life course. (6/2017)]
*[http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/04/why-the-poor-die-young/477846/ A massive study of health and income found that smoking, obesity, and exercise are the most important determinants of longevity. Poor neighborhoods score worse in all of them. (4/12/16)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/33/8/1383.abstract People who live in lower-income neighborhoods have a higher rate of diabetic lower-extremity amputations than those in more affluent areas (8/2014)]
Noise <br>
* [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/13/well/live/noise-may-raise-blood-pressure-risk.html Noise May Raise Blood Pressure Risk based on a study of people who lived near Athens International Airport (6/13/17)]
* [https://www.healthworkscollective.com/noise-disrupts-circadian-rhythms-and-causes-other-health-issues/ Noise Disrupts Circadian Rhythms and Causes Other Health Issues (4/25/17)]
* [http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/06/20/noise-pollution.aspx Quieting Down Could Save Billions in Heart Disease Costs. It’s estimated that 100 million people in the U.S. are exposed to unhealthy levels of noise, typically from automobile and aircraft traffic (although everything from leaf blowers and lawnmowers to loud music can also contribute). (6/30/15)]
Walkable Neighborhoods <br>
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27218630 Higher neighborhood walkability was associated with decreased prevalence of overweight and obesity and decreased incidence of diabetes between 2001 and 2012 (5/24/16)]
====Home ''Insight''====
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Home_Determinants Home Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [http://www.mhealthtalk.com/common-problems-solutions/ The most common problems as you age in your home. (8/7/16)]
* [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1353829214001087 NYC heat-mortality rates are associated with poverty and poor housing quality. (11/2014)]
Aging in Place <br>
* [http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article113730634.html Affordable housing, quality healthcare can let seniors age in place (11/9/16)]
* [http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/health/want-a-better-chance-to-stay-out-of-a-nursing/article_c1b66d15-7afd-5b85-8e95-d83cc13d8f16.html Want a better chance to stay out of a nursing home? Modify your home (11/6/16)]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/23/health/at-home-many-seniors-are-imprisoned-by-their-independence.html?ref=health&_r=3 Many seniors living at home feel imprisoned by their independence] (6/19/15)
Environmental Exposures <br>
* [http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/gas-leaks-mold-and-rats-millions-of-americans-live-in-hazardous-homes/492689/ Gas Leaks, Mold, and Rats: Millions of Americans Live in Hazardous Homes (7/25/16)]
* [http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2014/01/important-lesson-personalized-patient-care.html Controlling environmental allergens can reduce sneezing and nasal congestion that trigger asthma (1/1/14)]
* [http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/radon/radon-fact-sheet Scientists estimate that lung cancer deaths could be reduced by 2 to 4% by addressing the one in 15 homes the EPA believes has too much radon exposure]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/multi-faceted-home-ventilation-intervention-reduces-copd-readmissions-study-finds Multi-faceted home ventilation intervention reduces COPD readmissions, study finds (7/15/15)]
* [http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/ At least 4 million households have children living in them that are being exposed to high levels of lead (1/29/16)]
* [http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/research/2009/07/improving-the-health-of-all-americans-through-safe-and-healthy-h.html Approximately 40% of the 6.7 million children with diagnosed asthma are believed to be attributable to residential exposures (7/2009)]
Homelessness <br>
* [https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article-abstract/doi/10.1093/pubmed/fdx034/3074503/Lifetime-and-1-year-prevalence-of-homelessness-in?redirectedFrom=fulltext Lifetime and 1-year prevalence of homelessness in the US population was found to be 4.2% and 1.5%, respectively (3/18/17)]
Home Injuries <br>
* [http://www.commissiononhealth.org/PDF/e434bb61-64d3-4267-9dca-705b9d80ddaa/HousingFactSheetJun09.pdf An estimated 4 million emergency department visits and 70,000 hospital admissions were attributed to injuries at home. (6/2009)]
Housing Instability <br>
* [https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/population-health/housing-instability-will-cost-healthcare-industry-111b-over-next-decade.html Housing instability will cost healthcare industry $111B over next decade (8/10/17)]
Noise <br>
* [https://www.healthworkscollective.com/noise-disrupts-circadian-rhythms-and-causes-other-health-issues/ Noise Disrupts Circadian Rhythms and Causes Other Health Issues (4/25/17)]
* [http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/06/20/noise-pollution.aspx Quieting Down Could Save Billions in Heart Disease Costs. It’s estimated that 100 million people in the U.S. are exposed to unhealthy levels of noise, typically from automobile and aircraft traffic (although everything from leaf blowers and lawnmowers to loud music can also contribute). (6/30/15)]
====Security ''Insight''====
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Security_Determinants Security Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
Neighborhood Violence <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/population-health/chicagoans-rank-violence-as-top-concern-in-health-needs-assessment.html Injury and violence was ranked as top concerns among Chicago's South and West Side residents, along with diabetes, nutrition, physical activity and weight, substance abuse and tobacco use, according to a health needs survey. (6/23/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/population-health/study-finds-link-between-neighborhood-violence-and-biological-stress-in-children.html Study finds link between neighborhood violence and biological stress in children (11/15/16)]
===Technology & Apps Insight===
===Technology & Apps Insight===
===Content Insight===
===Content Insight===

Revision as of 14:00, 8 February 2019

Everyday there is new insight into our understanding of Health Determinants and barriers that impact patient outcomes. This page will curate new insight. While health care is likely the most important determinant of health when a patient has an acute condition, studies show it represents only a part of an overall health outcomes:

Health Determinants Insight


Mission (Health Goals) Insight

Insights into the Mission (Health Goals) Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Personal Goals Insight

Health Goals (Care Goals) Insight

Strategy (Health Plan) Insight

Insights into the Strategy (Health Plan) Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Strategy Objectives (Care Plan) Insight

Strategy Solutions (Interventions) Insight

Medical Interventions Insight

Non-Medical Interventions Insight

Intervention Changes Insight

Strategy Measures

Strategy - Impacting People Insight

Strategy - Impacting Realities Insight

Strategy - Impacting Activities Insight

Impacting Realities Insight

Insights into the Impacting Realities Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Health Conditions Insight

Insights into Health Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Physical Conditions Insight

Insights into Physical Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.




Chronic Pain


Cystic Fibrosis


Heart Attack Risk

High Blood Pressure

Life Expectancies

Non-Communicable Disease



Mental Health Conditions Insight

Insights into Mental Health Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Childhood Disorders



Mental Health Disorders

Mental Health Impact on Health Care

Opioid Addiction


Substance Use Disorders


Treating Mental Health

Functional Conditions Insight

Insights into Functional Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Daily Activities Assistance


Functional Independence

Healthcare Costs



Limitation in Usual Activities

Limitation in Work

Genomic Insight

Insights into Genomic Profiles Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Competencies Insight

Insights into Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Literacy Insight

Insights into Health Literacy Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Self-Management Competencies Insight

Insights into Self-Management Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.


Managing Chronic Conditions

Medication Adherence

Physician Office Visits

Functional Competencies Insight

Insights into Functional Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. Literacy

Education Insight

Insights into Education Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Social Insight

Insights into Social Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Patient (About & History) Insight

Health Insights into Patient (About & History) Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Life Expectancy

Beliefs Insight

Insights into Beliefs Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Determination Insight

Insights into Determination Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Relationships Insight

Resilience Insight

Insights into Resilience Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs)



Responsibilities Insight

Insights into Responsibilities Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Social Well-Being Insight

Insights into Social Well-Being Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Defining Well-Being

Competence & Control


Love & Connection

Purpose & Meaning

Social Influence

Social Via Smartphones

Support Insight

Insights into Support Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Addressing Social Determinants


Managing Chronic Conditions


Socioeconomic Insight

Insights into Socioeconomic Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Can't Afford Treatments Insight

Insights into Can't Afford Treatments Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Delay Medical Care

Reduce Medical Care

Skip Medical Care

Financial Insight

Insights into Financial Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Annual Healthcare Cost

Fear of Healthcare Costs

Financial Stress

Health Inequality

Medical Bills

Prescription Drugs

Price Shopping for Medical Services

Food Insecurity Insight

Insights into Food Insecurity Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Insurance Insight

Insights into Health Insurance Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Denied Coverage

Dual Eligible Patients (Qualify for Medicare and Medicaid)

Employer Sponsored Health Insurance

High Deductable Health Plans (HDHPs)


Medicare Beneficiaries

Patient Out-of-Pocket Cost

Surprise Out-of-Network Bills


Income & Work Insight

Insights into Income & Work Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Lack of Sick Leave

Low Income Impact on Outcomes

Work environment

Legal Insight

Insights into Legal Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Jail Involved

Security Insight

Environmental Insight

Environmental Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Access & Logistics Insight

Insights into Access & Logistics Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Communication Insight

Insights into Communication Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Community Insight

Insights into Community Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Clean Air

Clean Water

Community Related - Life Expectancy


Environmental Exposures

Food Deserts

Food Safety

Low Income Neighborhoods


Walkable Neighborhoods

Home Insight

Insights into Home Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Aging in Place

Environmental Exposures


Home Injuries

Housing Instability


Security Insight

Insights into Security Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. Neighborhood Violence

Technology & Apps Insight

Content Insight

Medical Records Insight

Health Determinants Records Insight

Health Interventions Records Insight

Health Outcomes Records Insight

Impacting People Insight

Insights into the Impacting People Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Physicians Insight

Care Team Insight

Credentialed Care Specialists Insight

Credentialed Support Providers Insight

Caregivers Insight

Family Members & Friends Insight

Support Team Insight

Organizations Insight

Healthcare Organizations Insight

Government Organizations Insight

Employer Insight

Community and Social Services Organizations Insight

Support Resources Organizations Insight

Other Contributors Insight

Impacting Activities Insight

Insights into the Impacting Activities Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Healthy Lifestyle Insight

Physical Activities Insight

Social & Passion Activities Insight

Nutrition Insight

Functional Activities Insight

Sleep Insight

Adverse Behaviors Insight

Insights into Adverse Behaviors Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.



Risky Behaviors


Substance Use

Self-Management Behavior Insight

Insights into Self-Management Behavior Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Advanced Directives

Medication Adherence

Patient Activation Levels


Preventive Screening and Vaccinations

Self Management

Treatment Delays

Weight Loss

Wellness Programs

Care Management - Communications Insight

Care Management - Operational Insight

Planned Health Strategy Activities Insight

Medical Intervention Activities Insight

Non-Medical Intervention Activities Insight

Activity Changes Adherence Insight

Environmental Insight

Environmental Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Access & Logistics Insight

Insights into Access & Logistics Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Communication Insight

Insights into Communication Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Community Insight

Insights into Community Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Clean Air

Clean Water

Community Related - Life Expectancy


Environmental Exposures

Food Deserts

Food Safety

Low Income Neighborhoods


Walkable Neighborhoods

Home Insight

Insights into Home Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Aging in Place

Environmental Exposures


Home Injuries

Housing Instability


Security Insight

Insights into Security Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. Neighborhood Violence

Technology & Apps Insight

Insights into Technology & Apps Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Decision Making and Condition Management


Digital Health Apps

Digital Health Monitoring

Home Automation

Internet Access

Technology Efficacy

Technology Usage

Content Insight

Insights into Content Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Medical Records Insight

Insights into Medical Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Determinants Records Insight

Insights into Health Determinants Records that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Interventions Records Insight

Insights into Health Interventions Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Outcomes Records Insight

Insights into Health Outcomes Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Management Insight

Insights into Care Management Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Mission & Care Goals Insight

Insights into Health Mission & Care Goals Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Goals

End of Life Planning

Health Strategy & Care Planning Insight

Insights into Health Strategy & Care Planning Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Planning

Decision Aids

Evidence-Based Practice

Medical Advocates

Second Opinions

Shared Decision Making

Health Disciplines & Resources Insight

Insights into Health Disciplines & Resources Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Community Health Workers

Community & Social Services

Primary Care Physicians

Team-Based Approach

Care Management - Communications Insight

Insights into Care Management - Communications Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Communicating Instructions

Difficult Dialog

Digital Communications

Doctor Patient Discussions

Patient Portals

Patient Provided Data

Remote Monitoring


Text Messaging

Care Management - Operational Insight

Insights into Care Management - Operational Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Behavioral Health Integration

Care Transitions

Coordinated Care

High-Need, High-Cost Patients

Palliative Care

Partnering With Community & Social Services

Health Interventions Insight

Insights into Health Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Medical Interventions Insight

Insights into Medical Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Access to Medical Care

Behavioral Health Access

Behavioral Health Treatment

Emergency Room


Observation Stays

Opioid Treatment

Physician Visit

Post-Acute Care

Readmission to Hospitals

Virtual Visits

Medical Interventions Outcomes Insight

Insights into Medical Interventions Outcomes Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Adverse Outcomes

Cancer Treatments

Low-Value Care

Medical Intervention Efficacy

Medical Errors


Physician Preference Sensitive Treatments

Retail Clinics


Un-diagnosed Conditions

Unnecessary Care

Virtual Visits

Non-Medical Interventions Insight

Insights into Non-Medical Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Advanced Care Planning

Non-Medical Interventions Outcomes Insight

Insights into Non-Medical Interventions Outcomes Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Employee Wellness Services

Fall Prevention

Health Coaching

Legal Counseling

Obesity Counseling

Opioid Alternative

Preventitive Care and Screenings

Virtual Services

People Insight

People can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. See People Determinants. These are people that may support and/or influence the overall health.

Family Members & Friends Insight

Insights into Family Members & Friends Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Team & Resources Insight

Insights into Care Team & Resources Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Other Contributors Insight

Insights into Other Contributors Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.