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(Socioeconomic Insight)
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====Non-Medical Intervention Activities Insight====
====Non-Medical Intervention Activities Insight====
====Activity Changes Adherence Insight====
====Activity Changes Adherence Insight====
==Socioeconomic ''Insight''==
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Socioeconomic_Determinants Socioeconomic Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and [http://www.patientwell-being.org/general/what-is-personal-well-being/ well-being].
===Can't Afford Treatments ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Can.27t_Afford_Treatments_Determinants Can't Afford Treatments Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
Delay Medical Care <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/study-half-of-millennials-have-delayed-medical-care-because-of-cost.html Half of millennials have delayed medical care because of cost (1/1/16)]
* [http://www.gallup.com/poll/187190/cost-delays-healthcare-one-three.aspx 31% Americans say that they or a family member have put off any sort of medical treatment in the past year because of the cost (11/30/15)]
Reduce Medical Care <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/survey-half-of-aca-exchange-customers-skimp-on-healthcare-to-reduce-costs.html Half of ACA exchange customers skimp on healthcare to reduce costs (10/28/16)]
Skip Medical Care <Br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/survey-1-in-3-older-millennials-skips-medical-care-because-of-costs.html Survey: 1 in 3 older millennials skips medical care because of costs (6/8/17)]
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/press-releases/2016/nov/international-survey-release About one-third (33%) of U.S. adults went without recommended care, did not see a doctor when sick, or failed to fill prescriptions because of cost. (11/16/16)]
* [http://archpedi.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1872780 Financial Barriers to Care Among Low-Income Children With Asthma (7/2014)]* [http://money.cnn.com/2013/04/26/news/economy/health-care-cost/ 80 million people (43% of America's working-age adults) didn't go to the doctor or access other medical services last year because of the cost (4/26/13)]
===Competencies ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Competencies_Determinants Competencies Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
Literacy <br>
* [http://www.georgiahealthnews.com/2016/10/health-literacy-life-or-death-matter/ Health literacy can be a life-or-death matter. 1 out of 3 adult Georgians is functionally illiterate. Without a clear understanding of their health condition, these adults are more likely to skip necessary medical tests and have a harder time with diabetes management or high blood pressure numbers. (10/31/16)]
===Education ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Education_Determinants Education Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
===Financial ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Financial_Determinants Financial Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
Annual Healthcare Cost <br>
* [http://www.forbes.com/sites/danmunro/2016/05/24/annual-healthcare-cost-for-family-of-four-now-at-25826/#33aa77f75226 Healthcare Costs in 2016 for a Family of Four Will Be $25,826 (5/24/16)]
* [http://www.forbes.com/sites/danmunro/2015/05/19/annual-healthcare-cost-for-family-of-four-now-at-24671/#29d013444dfb Annual Healthcare Cost For Family Of Four Now At $24,671 (5/19/15)]
Fear of Healthcare Costs
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/53-of-americans-equate-unaffordable-medical-bills-to-being-diagnosed-with-a-serious-illness.html 53% of Americans believe receiving a large, unaffordable medical bill is as bad as being diagnosed with a serious illness (3/21/17)]
* [http://www.healthpopuli.com/2017/02/08/health-care-worries-top-terrorism-far-americans-minds/ Health Care Worries Top Terrorism, By Far, In Americans’ Minds (2/8/17)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/healthcare-finances-a-source-of-fear-for-75-of-consumers.html Healthcare finances a source of fear for 75% of consumers (2/7/17)]
* [http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20141006006149/en/Cigna-Consumer-Survey-%E2%80%98Health-Costs-Derail-Financial#.VDg8PvldXng 75% fear health costs could ruin prospects for secure retirement (10/6/14)]
Financial Stress <br>
* [http://www.healthpopuli.com/2017/04/26/financial-stress-health-risk-factor-impacts-americans/ Financial Stress As A Health Risk Factor Impacts More Americans (4/26/17)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/patient-engagement/10-statistics-about-treating-patients-with-complex-needs.html In a survey of high-need patients (2 or more major chronic conditions like heart failure, stroke or diabetes requiring insulin, among other factors), 62% of high-need said they experience stress about their ability to afford housing, utilities or nutritious meals compared to 32% of other adults. (12/9/16)] 
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/medical-bills-lead-to-serious-debt-for-some-americans-6-things-to-know.html 85% of employees in survey in 2015 reported at least some level of financial stress. 33% were assessed as having serious debt, such as student debt, medical bills and/or credit card debt. (7/20/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/federal-reserve-board-47-of-americans-struggle-to-pay-unexpected-400-bill.html  47% of Americans struggle to pay unexpected $400 bill (6/8/16)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/35/1/54.abstract For Working-Age Cancer Survivors, Medical Debt And Bankruptcy Create Financial Hardships (1/2016)]
* [http://www.pwc.com/us/en/private-company-services/publications/financial-well-being-retirement-survey.html Survey shows 52% of employees stressed about their finances. 45% saying that financial matters cause the most stress, nearly as many as stress from job, health, or relationships combined. (2016 Employee Financial Wellness Survey)]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/more-americans-struggle-healthcare-costs 46% of Americas described paying for care as a hardship rather than affordable (12/19/14)]
Health Inequality <br>
* [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/05/america-is-a-world-leader-in-health-inequality/?utm_term=.7c7983e42f5c People in households making less than $22,500 a year, 38% reported being in poor or fair health. That's more than three times the rate of health troubles faced by individuals in households making more than $47,700 a year. (6/5/17)]
* [http://www.hhnmag.com/articles/7416-look-to-income-inequality-to-help-explain-population-health Having less money is linked to poorer health regardless of personal habits. (7/5/16)]
* [https://www.brookings.edu/research/what-growing-life-expectancy-gaps-mean-for-the-promise-of-social-security/ Life expectancy is higher for the wealthiest. Among American men born in 1940, the wealthiest 10% are expected to live on average 12 years longer than the poorest 10%. (2/12/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/population-health/costs-deter-low-income-patients-from-participating-in-clinical-trials.html Costs deter low-income patients from participating in clinical trials (11/3/15)]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/health/even-small-medical-advances-can-mean-big-jumps-in-bills.html?from=homepage&_r=0 New innovative treatments and technology is often out of the reach of low income patients. (4/5/14)]
Medical Bills <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/half-of-uninsured-people-face-problems-with-their-medical-bills-9-survey-findings.html Half of uninsured people face problems with their medical bills (8/23/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/61-of-patients-confused-by-medical-bills-survey-finds.html 61% of patients confused by medical bills, survey finds (7/14/16)]
* [http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-one-in-five-americans-cant-pay-medical-bills/ CDC: One in five Americans can't pay medical bills (9/30/13)]
Prescription Drugs <br>
* [http://khn.org/news/sticker-shock-forces-thousands-of-cancer-patients-to-skip-drugs-skimp-on-treatment/amp/ Sticker Shock Forces Thousands Of Cancer Patients To Skip Drugs, Skimp On Treatment (3/15/17)]
* [http://khn.org/news/faced-with-unaffordable-drug-prices-tens-of-millions-buy-medicine-outside-u-s/ Faced With Unaffordable Drug Prices, Tens Of Millions Buy Medicine Outside U.S. (12/20/16)]
Price Shopping for Medical Services <br>
* [http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/survey-finds-healthcare-providers-benefit-from-up-front-cost-estimates-yet-many-patients-nyse-tru-2192070.htm Survey found 43% said it was somewhat or very difficult to get information on costs, while another 21% of patients had never tried to get procedure cost information. (1/31/17)]
* [http://khn.org/news/consumer-choices-have-limited-impact-on-u-s-health-care-spending-study/ Less than 7% of total health care spending in 2011 was paid by consumers for “shoppable” services. (3/4/16)]
===Food Insecurity ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Food_Insecurity_Determinants Food Insecurity Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [http://www.hpoe.org/resources/ahahret-guides/3058 Social Determinants of Health Series: Food Insecurity(8/3/17)]
* [http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/pop.2015.0127 Study of food insecurity in patients with high rates of inpatient hospitalization (“super-utilizers”). Forty adults with ≥3 hospital inpatient admissions within a 12-month period were interviewed. Using USDA definition of food insecurity, 30% were food insecure and 25% were marginally food secure. 40% responded that, in the past 30 days, they worried that their food would run out; 17.5% that they did not eat for a full day. 75% were unable to shop for food on their own and 58% were unable to prepare their own food. (12/1/16)]
* [http://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america/impact-of-hunger/hunger-and-poverty/hunger-and-poverty-fact-sheet.html 42.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households in 2015 (29.1 million adults and 13.1 million children). (2016)]
* [http://pdf.aarpfoundation.org/i/455086-aarp-foundation-findings-on-nutrition-knowledge-and-food-insecurity-among-older-adults Nearly 9 million older adults in the United States experience food insecurity. (12/2015)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/34/11/1949.abstract Transitions Into Food Insecurity Associated With Behavioral Problems And Worse Overall Health Among Children (11/2015)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/34/11/1830.abstract Almost fifty million people are food insecure in the United States, which makes food insecurity one of the nation’s leading health and nutrition issues. (11/2015)]
* [http://khn.org/news/in-sunlit-paradise-seniors-go-hungry/ In Sunlit Paradise, Seniors Go Hungry (5/26/15)]
* [http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2015/03/food-insecurity-undiagnosed-medical-problem.html Food insecurity is an undiagnosed medical problem (3/6/15)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/33/1/116.abstract Exhaustion Of Food Budgets At Month’s End And Hospital Admissions For Hypoglycemia (1/2014)]
===Health Insurance ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Health_Insurance_Determinants Health Insurance Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/08/upshot/a-medicare-drug-incentive-that-leads-to-greater-hospitalizations.html For sicker Medicare beneficiaries, increased Medicare hospital spending exceeded any savings from reduced drug prescriptions and doctor’s visits (5/8/17)]
* [http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/09/16/494139538/studies-link-cancer-patients-survival-time-to-insurance-status Studies Link Cancer Patients' Survival Time To Insurance Status (9/16/16)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/35/6/958.abstract?=right Insurance is paying for more of the cost of treating mental health conditions (68%) but not for Substance Use Disorders (46%) (6/2016)]
* [http://khn.org/news/new-health-plans-offer-discounts-for-diabetes-care/ New health plans offer discounts and give gift cards to encourage patients to use diabetes care (11/17/15)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/payer-issues/aca-health-plans-limit-access-to-specialists-7-findings.html ACA health plans limit access to specialists: 7 findings (10/28/15)]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/09/21/insurance-healthy-behavior-key-reducing-cost-chronic-disease/72563266/ Study showed total cost for insured members with no chronic conditions was $3,024 a year ($2,204 out-of-pocket) and members with two or more chronic conditions was $11,940 a year ($3,500 out-of-pocket). (9/21/15)]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/why-doctors-must-discuss-costly-treatment-before-patients-receive-bills Why doctors must discuss costly treatment before patients receive bills (10/18/13)]
Denied Coverage <br>
* [https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/practices/many-patients-chronic-illnesses-find-insurance-providers-deny-treatment-new-survey-says 'Hidden' crisis: Many patients with chronic illnesses find insurance providers deny treatment, new survey says (8/16/17)]
Dual Eligible Patients (Qualify for Medicare and Medicaid) <br>
* [http://files.kff.org/attachment/Testimony-of-Gretchen-Jacobson-Ways-and-Means-Committee-Subcommittee-on-Health Low-income people on Medicare who receive assistance from Medicaid tend to have more chronic conditions, as well as cognitive and functional limitations, than others on Medicare: 61% vs. 33% need assistance with one or more activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing, and dressing; more than half, 58% vs. 29% have a mental condition or cognitive impairment; 37% vs. 27% have five or more chronic conditions; 18% vs 6% rate their health status as poor. (6/7/17)]
Employer Sponsored Health Insurance <br>
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/interactives-and-data/maps-and-data/employer-health-insurance-premiums State-by-State Look at Employer Health Insurance Costs Finds Workers’ Premium Contributions and Deductibles Growing More Slowly But Eating Up Greater Share of Incomes (10/26/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/payer-issues/employer-family-plan-premiums-soar-above-18k-in-2016.html Employer family health plan premiums soar above $18k in 2016 (9/14/16)]
High Deductable Health Plans (HDHPs) <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/10-things-to-know-about-2016-healthcare-consumer-payment-trends.html Consumers insured through high-deductible health plans increased from 10 million in 2010 to 75 million in 2016. The average deductible for individuals with employer-based coverage doubled from $735 in 2010 to $1,478 in 2016. Patient payments to providers increased 58% from 2013 to 2016. (6/13/17)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/payer-issues/cdc-nearly-40-of-us-adults-have-high-deductible-health-plans.html CDC: Nearly 40% of US adults have high-deductible health plans (6/7/17)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/patients-with-chronic-illness-and-high-deductibles-more-likely-to-delay-care-study-finds.html Patients with chronic illness and high deductibles more likely to delay care, study finds. People with three or more chronic conditions were also nearly three times as likely to delay or avoid care as those without chronic conditions (25% compared to 9%) (11/23/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/given-the-choice-34-of-employees-choose-hdhps.html Given the choice, 34% of employees choose HDHPs (5/3/16)]
* [http://healthaffairs.org/healthpolicybriefs/brief_pdfs/healthpolicybrief_152.pdf Nearly one-quarter of workers are enrolled in an High Deductable Health Plan, up from 4% in 2006. (2/4/16)]
Medicaid <br>
* [https://healthpayerintelligence.com/news/spike-in-late-stage-cancer-diagnosis-related-to-medicaid-cut Spike in Late Stage Cancer Diagnosis Related to Medicaid Cut (7/5/17)]
Medicare Beneficiaries <br>
* [http://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/income-and-assets-of-medicare-beneficiaries-2016-2035/ Half of all Medicare beneficiaries had incomes below $26,200 in 2016 (4/21/17)]
Patient Out-of-Pocket Cost <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/medicare-cancer-patients-without-additional-coverage-hit-with-high-out-of-pocket-costs-4-things-to-know.html Medicare cancer patients without additional coverage hit with high out-of-pocket costs (11/28/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/patient-payment-responsibility-spiked-13-in-2015.html Patient payment responsibility spiked 13% in 2015 (6/28/16)]
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2016/may/on-medicare-but-at-risk 16 percent of Medicare beneficiaries (8 million) spent 20 percent or more of their income on insurance plus care. (5/10/16)]
* [http://www.healthsystemtracker.org/insight/payments-for-cost-sharing-increasing-rapidly-over-time/?utm_campaign=KFF-2016-Peterson-Cost-Sharing-Analysis&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_fzaJSkoJE-fetaUk0iwQOwPP__Fpq1BkKAV4WPcOHEuKp1Ww3jVG7Fl41gr19-i_hWcUPOy The average deductible for people with employer-provided health coverage rose from $303 to $1,077 between 2006 and 2015. (4/12/16)]
* [http://healthaffairs.org/healthpolicybriefs/brief_pdfs/healthpolicybrief_152.pdf Nearly half of workers are covered by an insurance plan with a general annual deductible of at least $1,000 for individual coverage. (2/4/16)]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/high-out-pocket-expenses-narrow-insurance-networks-send-more-patients-to-ers High out-of-pocket expenses, narrow insurance networks send more patients to ERs (10/26/15)]
* [http://kff.org/report-section/ehbs-2015-summary-of-findings/ Workers with health insurance covered by their employers have an annual deductible amount for single coverage of $1,318. (9/22/15)]
Surprise Out-of-Network Bills <br>
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/many-medicare-advantage-members-burned-by-out-of-network-bills.html Many Medicare Advantage members burned by out-of-network bills due to changes in network providers (11/28/16)]
Uninsured <br>
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/lists/2016/remaining-uninsured Why Do Millions of U.S. Adults Remain Uninsured? 1) The ACA excludes undocumented immigrants; 2) Nineteen states have not expanded Medicaid eligibility; 3) Many people still don’t know about the health insurance marketplaces; 4) Affordability is a concern; 5) Selecting a plan can be difficult: 6) Many aren’t getting the help they need. (10/21/16)]
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/payer-issues/federal-estimate-of-uninsured-falls-to-record-low-7-statistics.html Federal estimate of uninsured falls to record low 8.6% (9/7/16)]
* [http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2016/aug/who-are-the-remaining-uninsured Who Are the Remaining Uninsured and Why Haven't They Signed Up for Coverage? (8/18/16)]
* [http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/earlyrelease201605.pdf The percentage uninsured in 2015 was 10.5% (28.4 million) (5/2016)]
* [http://kff.org/uninsured/fact-sheet/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population/ Uninsured nonelderly Americans in 2014 was 32 million. 48% of uninsured adults said the main reason they were uninsured was because the cost was too high. Over 5 in 10 of uninsured have family income below 200% of poverty. (10/5/15).]
===Income & Work ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Income_.26_Work_Determinants Income & Work Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
* [http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/population-health/how-working-night-shifts-furthers-health-disparities.html How working night shifts furthers health disparities (10/25/16)]
* [https://www.fastcompany.com/3064755/work-smart/study-finds-work-life-balance-could-be-a-matter-of-life-and-death Study found that those who work in high-stress jobs with little control are more likely to die sooner than those who have more control over and balance in their work. (10/20/16)]
* [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-07/why-are-so-many-men-not-working-they-re-in-pain A large share of American men between the ages of 25 and 54 who aren’t in the labor force may suffer from serious health conditions that are “a barrier to work” and suffer physical pain, sadness, and stress in their daily lives. (10/7/16)]
* [http://healthcare-economist.com/2016/09/26/effect-of-job-loss-on-physical-and-mental-health/ Job loss due to plant closures affects physical health adversely for individuals in the middle and lower part of the health distribution while those in best physical condition do not seem to be affected. The results similar for mental health. (9/26/16)]
* [http://khn.org/news/low-income-patients-face-hurdles-to-care-at-public-hospital-in-miami/ Low-Income Patients Face Hurdles To Care At Public Hospital (8/28/14)]
* [http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2014/03/screening-poverty-included-medical-curriculum.html Low socioeconomic status (SES) is a risk factor for a multitude of medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer, and mental illness. (3/15/14)]
* [http://www.nccp.org/topics/childpoverty.html More than 16 million children in the United States – 22% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level]
Lack of Sick Leave <br>
* [http://www.wbur.org/npr/484960907/hassle-of-being-a-patient-can-turn-into-a-crisis-without-sick-leave Hassle Of Being A Patient Can Turn Into A Crisis Without Sick Leave. Third of working Americans say their jobs don't offer paid sick days (7/11/16)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/35/3/520.abstract Workers without paid sick leave less likely to take time off for illness or injury compared to those with paid sick leave. 3.0 times more likely to forego medical care for themselves and 1.6 times more likely to forego care for family (3/2016)]
Low Income Impact on Outcomes <br>
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/payer/socioeconomic-hardships-hurt-dual-eligibles-health-outcomes Sociodemographic factors are a major driver of adverse health outcomes for patients who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (4/2/15)]
* [http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/healthcare/employment-status-top-socioeconomic-factor-readmissions Employment status top socioeconomic factor in readmissions (12/11/14)]
* [http://healthaffairs.org/blog/2014/08/29/exhibit-of-the-month-income-related-disparities-associated-with-negative-health-outcomes/ Income-Related Disparities Associated With Negative Health Outcomes (8/29/14)]
* [http://hin.com/Healthcare_Business_Weekly_Update/2014/06/06/data-dive-uncovers-socioeconomics-driving-er-visits-readmissions/ Data Dive Uncovers Socioeconomics Driving ER Visits, Readmissions (6/6/14)]
Work environment <br>
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/36/2/258.abstract?=right Social, Psychological, And Physical Aspects Of The Work Environment Could Contribute To Hypertension Prevalence (2/2017)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/34/10/1761.abstract Exposure To Harmful Workplace Practices Could Account For Inequality In Life Spans Across Different Demographic Groups (10/2015)]
===Legal ''Insight''===
Insights into [http://www.patientdeterminants.org/index.php?title=Health_Determinants#Legal_Determinants Legal Determinants] that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.
Jail Involved <br>
* [http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/12/05/499775644/helping-ex-inmates-stay-out-of-the-er-brings-multiple-benefits Early access to primary care for ex-inmates can bring down healthcare costs by keeping them out of the ER (12/5/16)]
* [http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/33/3/443.abstract The Critical Link Between Health Care And Jails (3/2014)]
==Environmental ''Insight''==
==Environmental ''Insight''==

Revision as of 13:56, 8 February 2019

Everyday there is new insight into our understanding of Health Determinants and barriers that impact patient outcomes. This page will curate new insight. While health care is likely the most important determinant of health when a patient has an acute condition, studies show it represents only a part of an overall health outcomes:

Health Determinants Insight


Mission (Health Goals) Insight

Insights into the Mission (Health Goals) Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Personal Goals Insight

Health Goals (Care Goals) Insight

Strategy (Health Plan) Insight

Insights into the Strategy (Health Plan) Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Strategy Objectives (Care Plan) Insight

Strategy Solutions (Interventions) Insight

Medical Interventions Insight

Non-Medical Interventions Insight

Intervention Changes Insight

Strategy Measures

Strategy - Impacting People Insight

Strategy - Impacting Realities Insight

Strategy - Impacting Activities Insight

Impacting Realities Insight

Insights into the Impacting Realities Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Health Conditions Insight

Insights into Health Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Physical Conditions Insight

Insights into Physical Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.




Chronic Pain


Cystic Fibrosis


Heart Attack Risk

High Blood Pressure

Life Expectancies

Non-Communicable Disease



Mental Health Conditions Insight

Insights into Mental Health Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Childhood Disorders



Mental Health Disorders

Mental Health Impact on Health Care

Opioid Addiction


Substance Use Disorders


Treating Mental Health

Functional Conditions Insight

Insights into Functional Conditions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Daily Activities Assistance


Functional Independence

Healthcare Costs



Limitation in Usual Activities

Limitation in Work

Genomic Insight

Insights into Genomic Profiles Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Competencies Insight

Insights into Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Literacy Insight

Insights into Health Literacy Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Self-Management Competencies Insight

Insights into Self-Management Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.


Managing Chronic Conditions

Medication Adherence

Physician Office Visits

Functional Competencies Insight

Insights into Functional Competencies Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. Literacy

Education Insight

Insights into Education Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Social Insight

Insights into Social Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Patient (About & History) Insight

Health Insights into Patient (About & History) Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Life Expectancy

Beliefs Insight

Insights into Beliefs Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Determination Insight

Insights into Determination Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Relationships Insight

Resilience Insight

Insights into Resilience Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs)



Responsibilities Insight

Insights into Responsibilities Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Social Well-Being Insight

Insights into Social Well-Being Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Defining Well-Being

Competence & Control


Love & Connection

Purpose & Meaning

Social Influence

Social Via Smartphones

Support Insight

Insights into Support Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Addressing Social Determinants


Managing Chronic Conditions


Socioeconomic Insight

Insights into Socioeconomic Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Can't Afford Treatments Insight

Insights into Can't Afford Treatments Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Delay Medical Care

Reduce Medical Care

Skip Medical Care

Financial Insight

Insights into Financial Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Annual Healthcare Cost

Fear of Healthcare Costs

Financial Stress

Health Inequality

Medical Bills

Prescription Drugs

Price Shopping for Medical Services

Food Insecurity Insight

Insights into Food Insecurity Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Insurance Insight

Insights into Health Insurance Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Denied Coverage

Dual Eligible Patients (Qualify for Medicare and Medicaid)

Employer Sponsored Health Insurance

High Deductable Health Plans (HDHPs)


Medicare Beneficiaries

Patient Out-of-Pocket Cost

Surprise Out-of-Network Bills


Income & Work Insight

Insights into Income & Work Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Lack of Sick Leave

Low Income Impact on Outcomes

Work environment

Legal Insight

Insights into Legal Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Jail Involved

Environmental Insight

Access & Logistics Insight

Communication Insight

Community Insight

Home Insight

Security Insight

Technology & Apps Insight

Content Insight

Medical Records Insight

Health Determinants Records Insight

Health Interventions Records Insight

Health Outcomes Records Insight

Impacting People Insight

Insights into the Impacting People Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Physicians Insight

Care Team Insight

Credentialed Care Specialists Insight

Credentialed Support Providers Insight

Caregivers Insight

Family Members & Friends Insight

Support Team Insight

Organizations Insight

Healthcare Organizations Insight

Government Organizations Insight

Employer Insight

Community and Social Services Organizations Insight

Support Resources Organizations Insight

Other Contributors Insight

Impacting Activities Insight

Insights into the Impacting Activities Determinants that can impact a patient's health outcomes and health status.

Healthy Lifestyle Insight

Physical Activities Insight

Social & Passion Activities Insight

Nutrition Insight

Functional Activities Insight

Sleep Insight

Adverse Behaviors Insight

Insights into Adverse Behaviors Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.



Risky Behaviors


Substance Use

Self-Management Behavior Insight

Insights into Self-Management Behavior Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Advanced Directives

Medication Adherence

Patient Activation Levels


Preventive Screening and Vaccinations

Self Management

Treatment Delays

Weight Loss

Wellness Programs

Care Management - Communications Insight

Care Management - Operational Insight

Planned Health Strategy Activities Insight

Medical Intervention Activities Insight

Non-Medical Intervention Activities Insight

Activity Changes Adherence Insight

Environmental Insight

Environmental Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Access & Logistics Insight

Insights into Access & Logistics Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Communication Insight

Insights into Communication Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Community Insight

Insights into Community Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Clean Air

Clean Water

Community Related - Life Expectancy


Environmental Exposures

Food Deserts

Food Safety

Low Income Neighborhoods


Walkable Neighborhoods

Home Insight

Insights into Home Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Aging in Place

Environmental Exposures


Home Injuries

Housing Instability


Security Insight

Insights into Security Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. Neighborhood Violence

Technology & Apps Insight

Insights into Technology & Apps Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Decision Making and Condition Management


Digital Health Apps

Digital Health Monitoring

Home Automation

Internet Access

Technology Efficacy

Technology Usage

Content Insight

Insights into Content Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Medical Records Insight

Insights into Medical Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Determinants Records Insight

Insights into Health Determinants Records that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Interventions Records Insight

Insights into Health Interventions Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Outcomes Records Insight

Insights into Health Outcomes Records Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Management Insight

Insights into Care Management Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Health Mission & Care Goals Insight

Insights into Health Mission & Care Goals Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Goals

End of Life Planning

Health Strategy & Care Planning Insight

Insights into Health Strategy & Care Planning Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Planning

Decision Aids

Evidence-Based Practice

Medical Advocates

Second Opinions

Shared Decision Making

Health Disciplines & Resources Insight

Insights into Health Disciplines & Resources Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Community Health Workers

Community & Social Services

Primary Care Physicians

Team-Based Approach

Care Management - Communications Insight

Insights into Care Management - Communications Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Communicating Instructions

Difficult Dialog

Digital Communications

Doctor Patient Discussions

Patient Portals

Patient Provided Data

Remote Monitoring


Text Messaging

Care Management - Operational Insight

Insights into Care Management - Operational Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Behavioral Health Integration

Care Transitions

Coordinated Care

High-Need, High-Cost Patients

Palliative Care

Partnering With Community & Social Services

Health Interventions Insight

Insights into Health Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Medical Interventions Insight

Insights into Medical Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Access to Medical Care

Behavioral Health Access

Behavioral Health Treatment

Emergency Room


Observation Stays

Opioid Treatment

Physician Visit

Post-Acute Care

Readmission to Hospitals

Virtual Visits

Medical Interventions Outcomes Insight

Insights into Medical Interventions Outcomes Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Adverse Outcomes

Cancer Treatments

Low-Value Care

Medical Intervention Efficacy

Medical Errors


Physician Preference Sensitive Treatments

Retail Clinics


Un-diagnosed Conditions

Unnecessary Care

Virtual Visits

Non-Medical Interventions Insight

Insights into Non-Medical Interventions Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Advanced Care Planning

Non-Medical Interventions Outcomes Insight

Insights into Non-Medical Interventions Outcomes Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Employee Wellness Services

Fall Prevention

Health Coaching

Legal Counseling

Obesity Counseling

Opioid Alternative

Preventitive Care and Screenings

Virtual Services

People Insight

People can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being. See People Determinants. These are people that may support and/or influence the overall health.

Family Members & Friends Insight

Insights into Family Members & Friends Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Care Team & Resources Insight

Insights into Care Team & Resources Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.

Other Contributors Insight

Insights into Other Contributors Determinants that can decisively affect a patient's overall health and well-being.